Quarries full of biodiversity

We have many years of experience in the interconnection of mining and nature conservation.
This year we have the opportunity to expand our activities to other territories in the Czech Republic and abroad
and we are therefore looking for partners who would be interested in this mutually beneficial cooperation.

Why might you care?

  1. We will help you in negotiations with state nature conservancy, NGOs, municipalities, and citizens to expand or start new mining and restoration of excavated areas.

  2. We will improve your company’s PR towards greater social responsibility and a greater emphasis on more environmentally friendly policies.

  3. We will provide professional advice and set up, or immediately manage activities in accordance with the interests of nature protection (cutting, mowing, or grazing animals) so that your work not only does not destroy the environment for animals and plants but even supports it.

Why do we do it?

What do quarries and sandpits have to do with helping nature?

Small quarries and sandpits are home to endangered species. We know from our experience that surprisingly many rare animals and plants settle here. Sand martins or colored bee-eaters nest in the walls of the sandpit already during mining. Frogs, newts, dragonflies, and wetland plants move into the ponds after mining. The bare surface with a minimum of land is inhabited by beautiful sand wasps, emerald tiger beetles roam here, and plovers, whose eggs are hard to notice among the stones, nest here. Orchids bloom on sparse lawns, and blue-winged locusts and rare blue butterflies fly here.

Our experience with mining companies